Criterion-1 S.No Metric No File No File Description 1 1.2.1 1.2.1 Certified list of new courses introduced during the last five years 2 1.3.2 1.3.2(1) 1.3.2(2) Certified list of add on/ certificate/ value added program/ / online programs like MOOCS/ SWAYAM/ e Patashala/ NPTEL for last five years without repeat of program name Brochure, Syllabus and Course schedule along with the sample course completion certificates offered during the last five years 3 1.3.3 1.3.3(1) 1.3.3(2) 1.3.3(3) Course structure by highlighting field projects / research projects / internships BoS minutes of meeting by highlighting the elements of field projects / research projects / internships Internship completion certificates for the last five years 4 1.4.1 1.4.1(1) 1.4.1(2) 1.4.1(3) 1.4.1(4) Filled feedback forms from students Filled feedback forms from teachers Filled feedback forms from alumni Filled feedback forms from employers